Sunday, May 27, 2012

Star and the boy

At the end of the day Once again I am sitting alone
In a terrace as a looser, Helpless, careless and
Just watching the sky…

Some stars on the sky Start to laugh at me
One small tear came out of my eye to
Say something to those stars but I
Just closed my eye and hide tear

But after few seconds one star
Start to fall towards the earth and told to me
“Hey boy pray what you want I am
Sacrificing myself for you, just watch me and pray, you will get your wish soon”

While I start to think to whom I pray
For me … no it’s selfish, for my dad or my mom or
For brother or for my love… for whom???
The star almost near the earth and it’s still telling quick

But I am confused still I am thinking, finally its reached earth
Before closing the eyes it’s told to me, I wasted my life for idiot like u
 Your really a looser, you dumb no one can change your life
You just go to hell


ಒಂದು ಊರಿನ ಕಥೆ

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